11        2017, 2018, 2019

MDF, multiplex, microorganisms
(200 x 60 x 25 cm)

The works from the series When Math Becomes Real It Dies are instructed by mathematical functions and thus could be termed mathematical representations. Math is used in the sciences to predict phenomena and the associated question if math is a representation of these phenomena still seems to be vexing the legitimation of scientific knowledge and some mathematical philosophers. The objects of this series can be seen as the material witnesses of this representational discourse. Despite an utterly accurate production process they are abandoned to a microbial disintegration. The exponential function represented in the object is finally performed by airborne contamination during their exponential growth phase. While invoking the well established questions of originality, precision and accessibility which are at the core of representational discourses they also subvert the very same - literally - by their decomposition.